About Us
Welcome to Yoga & Reformer in Hampstead.
Our tranquil Boutique YOGA & REFORMER Studios in the heart of Hampstead.
13 Heath Street, NW3 6TP Hampstead. You will find it quiet and peaceful.
The Studios offer: Pilates, Reformer, Ballet, Barre, as well as the following methods of YOGA; Iyengar, Vinyasa, Rocket, The Feldenkrais, Gong meditation and more.
We also hold monthly yoga workshops including Breathwork workshops.
9.30, 10.30, 11.30 Reformer Pilates
9.30 -10.30 Iyengar Yoga (Vesna)
11.00 - 11.50 Mat Pilates (Liad)
17.30-18.30 Private Iyengar Yoga (Jelka) 7th April
9.00-10.00 Dynamic Yoga (Maija)
9.30, 10.30, 11.30 Reformer Pilates
10.15 - 11.30 Iyengar Yoga (Vesna)
12.45, 14.45, 15.45, 16.45 Reformer Pilates
18.15-19.15 Mat Pilates (Cinzia)
19.45-20.45 Pregnancy yoga (Nitzan)
9.30, 10.30 & 11.30 Reformer Pilates
9.30 -10.30 Mandala Vinyasa Yoga (Mary)
17.00-18.00 Feldenkrais method (Roberta)
19.00-20.00 Rocket Yoga (Tia)
9.30, 10.30, 11.30 Reformer Pilates
9.30 -10.30 Iyengar Yoga (Vesna)
11.00-12.00 Barre Series (Catie)
15.45-16.45 Private lesson
18.30-19.30 Pregnancy Yoga (Laura)
9.30, 10.30, 11.30 Reformer Pilates
9.30-10.30 Flow with Lola
11.00 - 12.00 Ballet (Cinzia)
12.15 - 13.15 Vinyasa Yoga (Mary)
8.30-9.30 Flow with Lola
9.30 & 10.30 Reformer Pilates
10.00 -11.30 Iyengar Yoga (Vesna)
12.30 -13.30 Barre (Cinzia)
9.15-10.15 Rocket Yoga (Tia)
9, 10 & 11 Reformer Pilates (50 mins)
10.30-11.30 Pregnancy Yoga (Laura)
11.45-13.00 Functional Yoga (Alicia)
15.00-16.00 Private (Cinzia) 6th of April
17.00-18.00 Vinyasa Yoga (Nita)
19.00-20.00 Gong Meditation (Nina) 13th&27th April
To book a class please email the teacher
Vesna: vesnayoga@btinternet.com
Maija: maijakiviluo@gmail.com
Cinzia: cinziamika@hotmail.co.uk
Mary: maryesheppard@me.com
Nina: ninapygan@icloud.com
Nita: nitanicoleu@gmail.com
Catie: catiecerutti@gmail.com
Laura: laura@yogilaura.com
Alicia: aliciaroselloyoga@gmail.com
Nitzan: nitzanyoga@gmail.com
Roberta: roberta@improvingmoving.co.uk
Lola: lolafishbein@gmail.com
Liad: liadbennun@gmail.com
Studio 1 is equipped with mats, bolsters, blocks ,blankets, belts and chairs. We also have a rope wall for Yoga Kurunta.
Studio 2 has 3 Balanced Body Reformer beds.
We acknowledge the eight libs of yoga:
Yama- ethical disciplines, Niyama-self observations, Asana -state of being,
Pranayama -breath control, Pratyahara -withdrawal of the senses,
Dharana - concentration, Dhyana - meditation and Samadhi - a blissful state of joy and peace.
In Yoga the search for developed consciousness begins with physical awareness - Asana, the third branch of the tree of yoga.
A consistent mindful yoga practice offers a respite from the world, a break from the responsibilities we shoulder, a way to come to ourselves.
Some of the benefits of yoga are immediate, like the deep sense of relaxation; some of them reveal themselves with continued practice over time, like the improved resistance to stress, increased poise and equanimity, stamina, concentration and many more. Greater flexibility, strength and balance are the by-products of a regular practice.
It is a fact that our thoughts affect our feelings, which in turn affect our physiology. With yoga practice the reverse is also true. By performing a back-bending pose, on a physical level we open our chest but that physical action improves our breathing and so elevates our emotions and leads to a clearer state of mind.
The forward bending postures, on the other hand, can quieten our nervous system. The standing poses help us grow in self-confidence, and a restorative practice teaches us how to consciously relax by experiencing our breath. This calms the mind and opens the heart so that repressed emotions like anger and resentment can come up to the surface and be released. The inverted poses balance the endocrine system and are very beneficial for the mental and physical health by developing detachment from habitual worries, tolerance and emotional stability.
Yoga reminds us that nothing is permanent. By staying present in a state of being that is challenging we learn that we may be uncomfortable, even unhappy, but still be alright.